Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Essence of Christmas

As we all know, Christmas is a very important day to all of us because this is the day that Jesus Christ was born and it was dated on the 25th day of December. We are really excited in this very important day. Some peoplespent their Christmas by going to their ninongs and ninangs to have some aguinaldo, some enjoyed singing Christmas songs from house to house, some send each other letters and exchanging gift to each other. But, is this really what Christmas is?

Christmas is the perfect day to say thank you to those people who never leaves us in happy or in bad days. This is also the time to forgive the people who hurt us and say sorry to those bad things we've done to others. This is the time to express our love for others, how important they are, and to let them know how lucky are we to have them. But most especially, thank God in giving those people who really treasure us and really loves us.

For me, this is Christmas.
About love..love...and love....

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