Monday, January 10, 2011


Sometimes, we can't feel the time passing by, maybe because, we are enjoying it very much or we are just busy doing something. And it's really true that time flies so fast because now, third grading is about to end. Of course, we had learned something again and we had also encountered problems. Problems that made us a a stronger person.

I know, I exerted effort, but still it's not the best, maybe because I still have the "lazy factor." But then, I really really enjoyed this grading.......
I will never forget those days.

Moving on, I'll just do what I can really do. But most importantly, I must spend and enjoy the remaining three months of my high school life with them...."MY CLASSMATES."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year!! Must be a New Me Too??

As the new year comes, everyone is preparing for themselves. In facing new challenges, new happiness and sadness. It's all new! But, must be a new me too?

Mixed emotion is all I felt as I welcome the 2011. I'm happy because this new year will be very important to me. This year, I will be graduating and I will be entering the new face of my life, the college life. But, it is also sad, because there are only three months left before saying goodbye to this very memorable part of my life. Three months to enjoy my high school life with my friends, teachers and our own school. I will never forget those smiles and to these bonding we've shared to each other.

But, this is what they call life!
It is just saying "hello" and "goodbye". But, the memories in those times, will always be in our hearts.

And now, hello 2010 and goodbye 2011! It's a new year and they say that it must be all new, but for me, I will not change all and be a "NEW" one. It would still be me! I'll just change myself in something better. But Joann will always be Joann. As Madelyn said, "Joann, the crying lady" : )


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Essence of Christmas

As we all know, Christmas is a very important day to all of us because this is the day that Jesus Christ was born and it was dated on the 25th day of December. We are really excited in this very important day. Some peoplespent their Christmas by going to their ninongs and ninangs to have some aguinaldo, some enjoyed singing Christmas songs from house to house, some send each other letters and exchanging gift to each other. But, is this really what Christmas is?

Christmas is the perfect day to say thank you to those people who never leaves us in happy or in bad days. This is also the time to forgive the people who hurt us and say sorry to those bad things we've done to others. This is the time to express our love for others, how important they are, and to let them know how lucky are we to have them. But most especially, thank God in giving those people who really treasure us and really loves us.

For me, this is Christmas.
About love....